Friday, August 29, 2008

Mapping our world

For any map geeks out there...

I've started a Google map with some important San Pedro Sula landmarks for MCCers and others who are interested. My eventual goal is to map out as many bus routes as possible, but that is a work in progress.

So, if you're curious, check out the interactive map below. (The only frustrating thing is that on the hybrid view, the streets do not line up.) You can also check out the larger map by clicking on the link below the map.

Ver mapa más grande


Olivia said...

Wow, very impressive!

Matthew said...

amanda, i am duly impressed with your geographic i just found your blog by spending too much time on facebook (damnit all) and am now happy to report that i have yet another way to watch the day slide by. i hope you are doing well in the sticky heat of san pedro sula. if you ever come to tucson, let me know! best, matt

cay496 said...

Hey this map is impressive. this is the kind of thing I think would be cool to include on MAMA's website, except with the places where they work