Amanda and I arrived without delay yesterday at 3 p.m. We entered through customs with minimal confusion and were greeted by Darrin Yoder, one of our country reps; his two-year-old son, Simon; and Jeff Eschelman, who is currently doing our job. After dropping our baggage off at the MCC office and guest house (where we are staying) we drove to Darrin´s house to meet his wife, Julie Aeschliman, and their newborn daughter, Lucia. They live in a clean, efficient house in one of the neighborhoods north of town. We had a wonderful meal of fresh fruit salad and tostadas with pinto beans and fresh vegetables. The electricity went out in the middle of dinner and was still off at the guest house when Jeff drove us back. No matter; we found some candles, got ready for bed, and slept a total of 12 hours. Not bad.

I´ve been surprised that there is almost not talk of the hurricane here. It did minimal damage, besides some localized flooding, and there have been no reports of mudslides. I´ll be anxious to see if there is any mention of it in today´s paper. My mind is absolutely swimming with new sounds, sites, words, and I´m sure it´s going to take weeks until I feel completely comfortable. Until then, I´m just happy to soak it all in.
Today is going to be hot. We were spoiled yesterday with overcast skies and a nice breeze. They say the pleasant months should be here soon.
Thanks for the e-mails wishing us well. I´ll continue updating as I have time. I find blogging to be cathartic.
Bienvenidos a Honduras!!!!
Glad you made it safely! You are already greatly missed!
Did you see any hurricane damage while you were flying in?
Actually, we did see quite a bit of very muddy standing water in the banana fields. Apparently most of the damage in the country was to the crops. Also, the rivers were very high and very muddy. Today's newspaper had much to say about the rain outside of Tegucigalpa, the capital city. There were some small towns that suffered much damage, but very few deaths.
Loving the blog Andrew. Did Mandy tell you about my friend Jessa's blog? feed://
Enjoy the hotness, it already feels fall-y here in OR.
Blessings as you and Amanda immerse yourselves. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Reading your blog is cathartic for me.
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